Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

Sadis!! Lautan Darah Di Denmark!!

Please keep the list going around the world . . .
Denmark should be ashamed.
The sea is stained in red and it's not because of the climate effects of nature.
It's because of the cruelty of the human beings (supposedly civilized humans)
who kill hundreds of the famous and intelligent Calderon Dolphins.
This happens every year in Feroe Island in Denmark . In this slaughter the main participants are young teens.


A so-called celebration- -to show that they are adults and mature!
In this big celebration, nothing is missing for the fun.
Everyone is participating in one way or the other, killing or looking at the cruelty, supporting like a spectator?
Is it necessary to mention that the dolphin Calderon,
like all the other species of dolphins, is near extinction and they get near men to play and interact.
They don't die instantly; they are cut 1, 2 or 3 times with thick hooks.
And at that time the dolphins produce a grim cry like that of a newborn child.

It's enough! This has to stop!

Sungguh sadis !!
Membunuh ratusan lumba-lumba hanya untuk TRADISI !!!
Sampai air berwarna merah..
Padahal lumba-lumba tersebut sangat dekat dengan manusia karena mengira manusia mengajak mereka bermain...
Namun setelah dekat di pantai, ramai-ramai manusia muda Denmark membunuh dengan senjata yang tidak mematikan, sehingga membuat lumba-lumba itu mati perlahan-lahan...

cek potonya, gan..


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